button. Then the working window of the module will open.
The sensor clip is put on the patient's earlobe. When you press the "Start" button, a slowly pulsating circle will appear
with a frequency of 6 times per minute. The patient should take deep breaths and exhalations synchronously with the
pulsations of the circle. At the same time, pulse waves and a diagram of the distribution of neighboring cardiointervals
will be displayed on the screen in real time.
The timer will automatically stop at the end of 1 minute.

The rhythmogram of the heart with controlled breathing will be presented on the screen.

Example of a report of respiratory test results:

The result of the test is an assessment of the reaction of the autonomic nervous system to
controlled breathing in comparison with the norm.
The biofeedback method is an arbitrary volitional control of body functions in order to improve them normally and
correct pathology by means of electronic devices that register and transform information about the state of human
organs and systems into visual and auditory signals accessible to consciousness.
Activation of the biofeedback module (biofeedback) is performed by pressing the corresponding menu item in the
Recorder window. This leads to the opening of the module tab. The algorithm of the module is organized in such
a way that the patient can observe the occurrence of a pulse wave, hear a sound signal, the tonality of which depends
on the frequency of the heartbeat, as well as observe the movements of a red ball on a tricolor field.
The location of this ball on the vertical axis depends on the magnitude of the cardiointerval between the two
heartbeats of the patient in real time. The green color of the field corresponds to the range of the norm
(depending on the age and gender of the patient).
Pink color corresponds to a range exceeding the norm, blue color corresponds to a range below the norm.
The working window of the biofeedback module

During the session, the patient sees and hears how his cardiovascular and respiratory systems work. The computer module converts changes in the work of the heart into visible and audible feedback signals.
When inhaling, the heart rate increases – the red ball on the tricolor field moves up, the tone of the sound increases. When exhaling, the heart rate
decreases- the red ball on the tricolor field moves down, the tone of the sound decreases.
Volitional control of the movement of the ball allows you to form a type of breathing with synchronization of the phases of breathing and the work of the heart. Conscious management of diaphragmatic relaxation breathing with the help of biofeedback has a healing effect on
respiratory, cardiovascular and nervous systems of the body.
The test is based on a homeopathic method of determining the sensitivity of the body to drugs by
changing the characteristics of the pulse wave. The method allows you to objectively determine the
sensitivity of the human body to drugs before their introduction into the body, that is, to predict
the result of therapeutic effects.
In contrast to the subjective methods of the "muscle ring test" or kinesiological testing for the
selection of drugs, the test uses an objective instrumental method for assessing changes in the
patient's condition.
Example. Drug select test result:

Gunas are one of the main concepts in Ayurveda. Gunas describe the features of the human condition.
An example of displaying the Guna tab is shown below:

1. The activity of the dorsal vagal complex (the unmyelized part of the vagus) correlates with
the power of the very low frequency VLF spectrum present in pulse waves.
Corresponds to the state of the body "freeze, do not move, go limp, pretend to be dead"
From the point of view of Ayurveda, this is TAMAS-inertia, inactivity, inhibition, stupor.
Characteristic - lazy, indifferent, deceitful
2. The activity of the sympathetic-adrenal system (sympathetic trunks, ganglia) is correlated with the
power of the low-frequency LF spectrum present in pulse waves.
Corresponds to the state of the body " fight or flight"
From the point of view of Ayurveda, this is RAJAS - action, passion, activity, excitement.
Characteristic-materialistic, passionate, greedy, using other people for their own purposes
3. The activity of the ventral vagal complex (the myelized part of the vagus) is correlated with
the high-frequency HF power present in the pulse waves.
Corresponds to the state of the body "make friends, communicate, help"
From the point of view of Ayurveda, this is SATTVA-a state of knowledge, purity, harmony, spirituality
Characteristic - friendly, sociable, tolerant of other opinions.
From the idea of the degree of manifestation of each of the three gunas, one can proceed to the idea of
the patient's three doshas as a complex of energetic substances. The philosophy of Ayurveda is able to point
out the forms of manifestation of various gunas in the doshas - VATA, PITTA, KAPHA.
And also display the activity of the "FIVE ELEMENTS"


The analytical module of the diagnostic system LifePulsAS can offer some recommendations for restoring
the balance of the patient's condition. It can be MUDRAS, MANTRAS and FOOD.
Healing Mudras are hands and fingers arranged in a special way. Mudras are a way of influencing oneself,
thanks to which one can find inner peace and health.
Example of recommended Mudras:

In some cases, the software offers an ambulance to improve the condition if significant deviations from the
normal state are detected during the recording of pulse waves.
According to the results of the assessment of the activity of the chakras, the software offers the most
acceptable Mantra for restoring balance.
Example of recommended Mantra

Comparison of two research results according to Ayurveda
The comparison module can display the results of two measurements, for example, before and after any influence
on the patient. This, for example, can help in assessing the effect on the patient of therapy procedures ,
acupuncture, dietary supplements, medications, diet, yoga exercises, meditation, listening to mantras, affirmations,
and more.
An example of a comparative analysis of the results before and after listening to the OM mantra


The system allows us to see the basic data of all the studies conducted for a particular patient over a long
period of time. For example, in a few weeks. We can see how the stress index changed, the value of the total
spectral power of pulse waves, as well as graphs of the three component frequencies in the total spectrum of
pulse waves. At the same time, we see the general view and can observe what changes occur from the measurement to next
measurement. Separately, an averaged frequencies distribution diagram or gunas is presented, which is an integral
characteristic that allows us to see the general lifestyle of the patient.
The proposed diagnostic system LifePulsAS is convenient and easy to use and is a type of express diagnosis and can
be useful for all human pulse researchers, practicing doctors and specialists in Ayurveda, as well as people
who monitor their health.
Lithuania Vilnius
e-mail: a.safin2019@gmail.com
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