Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases

Blood Irradiation

Blood Irradiation

Blood Irradiation
Otitis, ethmoiditis

Laser and lightdiode therapy (blue light) promotes to cut short inflammation and painful syndrome. The external acoustic meatus, the parotid and retroauricular regions are radiated locally (with the help of the universal nozzle). Usually the clinical manifestations of the disease are cut short in 1-2 days. If not, it is necessary to add radiation to the whole breast bone (on the affected side).

Rhinitis, maxillary sinuitis, frontitis (acute and chronic)

Laser therapy promotes the liquidation of inflammation.
Acting promotes the liquidation of inflammation, improvement of discharge from nose, improvement of general condition.
Perform radiation of breast bone, submandibular regions, region of bridge (of the nose), wings of nostrils, maxillary sinuses.

Tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis

Laser and lightdiode therapy (can be combined with pharmacotherapy) takes off inflammation, painful syndrome, swelling.
Perform radiation on each of submandibular regions, breast bone region and the regions of inflammation (lateral surfaces of neck).

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